Armor Fire Protection Inc. is one of the finest companies inproviding fire extinguisher protection services in Florida. A lot of everyday actions can cause unexpected fires at homes, offices, schools, factories, etc. Amor Fire has the facility to recharge , service , hydro test all fire extinguishers.

Fire Extinguishers

Fire Suppression Systems / Service
Restaurant fire suppression systems are a must-have for your kitchen, and we can help you find the right one for your needs. With HoodMart's latest UL 300 fire suppression systems, you won’t have to worry about fires because these systems provide 24 hour fire protection, detection and suppression.
Exit -Emergency Lights
Commercial, Industrial, Government approved exit signs, exitlights and emergency lighting solutions. ‎Exit Signs - ‎Emergency Lights - ‎Exit Lights - ‎Contact Us
Fire Extinguishers
We want to make you happy by offering you great fire extinguishers services. We make your experience very positive by giving you customer service that's reliable and fast.